If you see one or several error messages on your site similar to this ones:
You need to disable Strict Standards on your server via the php settings, which
are stored in the php.ini file.
This file is usually found in the root folder of your server, so you’ll need to connect to your site via FTP. Once there, find and open your php.ini file with the editor of your choice. There’s usually quite a few options listed here, but the specific one you’re looking for is the error_reporting attribute. Once you’ve found this line you’ll have to replace this attribute with the following code:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED display_errors = Off
Warning: If after making this change you find that you’re getting another error such as a 500 Internal Server Error (aka HTTP 500 error), then you should contact with your host’s support team who will be able to provide you with details on how and where to override the php.ini file, since some hosts are quite protective of this file due to how necessary it is for smooth server operation. Once they advise you of their preferred modification method you can check it and try making the change once again.